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NHS Fife_Provision of Patient Lifting Equipment Maintenance and Repair Services
Buyer : NHS Fife
NHS Fife is seeking high quality suppliers to provide maintenance and repair of patient lifting equipment services including Loler Examination.
DH17070 - Lifting Equipment Maintenance and Servicing
Buyer : Derby Homes Ltd
The works that form this contract will be undertaken on a scheduled basis for servicing work and on demand for day to day maintenance to lifting equipment installed in domestic housing stock, sheltered housing complex and public buildings managed by ....
Award of NHS Fife Provision of Patient Lifting Equipment Maintenance and Repair ....
Buyer : NHS Fife
NHS Fife sought high quality suppliers to provide Maintenance and Repair of Patient Lifting Equipment Services including Loler Examination.
Bed & Lifting Equipment Maintenance
Buyer : Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
This is a contract award notice to advise that Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust have established a contract for a Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and Reactive Maintenance Service for Bed and Lifting Equipment. The successful Supplier in ....
Bed and Lifting Equipment Maintenance.
Buyer : Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
This is a contract award notice to advise that Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust have established a contract for a Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and Reactive Maintenance Service for Bed and Lifting Equipment. The successful Supplier in ....
Lifting Equipment Maintenance and Servicing.
Buyer : University of Brighton
To maintain and service all passenger and goods lifts/hoists across the university campus building.
DH17070 — Lifting Equipment Maintenance and Servicing
Buyer : Derby Homes Ltd
The works that form this contract will be undertaken on a scheduled basis for servicing work and on demand for day to day maintenance to lifting equipment installed in domestic housing stock, sheltered housing complex and public buildings managed by ....
Supply of Lifts and Lifting Equipment Maintenance, Repairs and Statutory Inspect ....
Buyer : London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
The provision of a planned maintenance, reactive and Statutory Inspection remedial works repair service for all lifts and evacuation chairs, on a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year basis to the Authority Estate.
NHS Fife_Provision of Patient Lifting Equipment Maintenance and Repair Services.
Buyer : NHS Fife
NHS Fife is seeking high quality suppliers to provide Maintenance and Repair of Patient Lifting Equipment Services including Loler Examination.
Supply of Lifts and Lifting Equipment Maintenance, Repairs and Statutory Inspect ....
Buyer : London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
This Invitation to Tender (ITT) has been initiated by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. This Tender aims to procure a contract for the planned maintenance, reactive repairs and remedial works associated with lifts and lifting equipmen ....
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