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Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement 2 (GEMFA 2)
Buyer : Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
This a Framework Agreement to replace and build upon the current Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA).The key objectives of the Framework Agreement are:a) To secure a pool of high- quality suppliers pre-qualified to deliver Mo ....
Extension of MFA Lot 1 for Transport and Land-Use Modelling and Transport Apprai ....
Buyer : Transport Scotland
Extension of MFA Lot 2 for Transport and Land-Use Modelling and Transport Apprai ....
Buyer : Transport Scotland
Extension of MFA Lot 4 for Transport and Land-use Modelling and Transport Apprai ....
Buyer : Transport Scotland
DIfD MFA Development Team - CAN
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
DIfD MFA Development Team - CAN
MFA for Design Standards Advice and Professional Advice, Branch Support
Buyer : Transport Scotland
The consultancy services will be called off from the framework agreement on the basis of the appointment of a principal single supplier to provide the service. The principal services shall comprise the provision of a consultancy service for departure ....
MFA for Design Standards Advice and Professional Advice, Branch Support
Buyer : Transport Scotland
The consultancy services will be called off from the framework agreement on the basis of the appointment of a principal single supplier to provide the service. The principal services shall comprise the provision of a consultancy service for departure ....
GB-Kettering: SecurEnvoy SecureIdentity MFA Subscription
Buyer : kettering general hospital nhs foundation trust
Direct award of SecurEnvoy SecureIdentity MFA Subscription on Health Trust Europe ComIT2 Framework
Digital Identity YUBIKEYS Procurement for MFA (TePAS) CF AWARDED CONTRACT
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Digital Identity YUBIKEYS Procurement for MFA (TePAS) CF AWARDED CONTRACT
Award of Trunk Road Adaptation Plan - Mini Competition - EEA MFA
Buyer : Transport Scotland
The Trunk Road Network (TRN) is highly vulnerable to climate related hazards and is already experiencing the impacts of climate change with more frequent instances of weather-related disruption. With further changes to the weather systems projected, ....
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