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Provision of measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) vaccine (2025)
The provision of Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV) vaccine to be used as part of the national immunisation programme
This service will provide additional MMR vaccinations using a targeted approach delivered in GP surgeries across the Rumworth and Central Wards of Bolton.
MMR Vaccination - Local Delivery Pilot
Buyer : Bolton Council
This service will provide additional MMR vaccinations using a targeted approach delivered in GP surgeries across the Rumworth and Central Wards of Bolton.
UKRI-1146 SWIMMR S1 Space System S1 Trusted Space
UKRI-1146 SWIMMR S1 Space System S1 Trusted Space
BATCM/0322 - Multi-Mode Radio (MMR)
Buyer : Unknown
Radio equipment. The aim of the Multi-Mode Radio (MMR) project is to maintain Tactical Satellite (TacSAT) and Ground-to-Air (G2A) capabilities post-2023 and set the conditions for a transition to and integration with the future MORPHEUS radio capabil ....
Award notice for the supply of SWIMMR S1 Mission LEOP Assessments for UKRI- STFC ***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a one quote exercise.
SWIMMR-Acceleration Contract BAS
Buyer : Met Office
SWIMMR-Acceleration Contract BAS
Procurement of AN/PRC 167 to UK specification, with SAASM GPS, UK MMR Waveforms ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Contract Award Notice for the Procurement of AN/PRC 167 to UK specification, with SAASM GPS, UK MMR Waveforms and ancillaries. Placed through a CCS Framework RM6116 - Network Services 3 (NS3)
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