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Award of 714_0957 - Cleaning of Dalbeattie forest and Mabie forest public toilet ....
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear supplier,We are inviting quotes for cleaning of toilet blocks - we require high quality services, whilst offering good value in the expenditure of public funds. Our premises that require cleaning are located at Forestry and Land Scotland’s two ....
Award of 714_0985 - Mini- competition for FW0036 - Mabie Mossdale
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear supplier,We are inviting tenders for restock planting in Mossside an area of approximately 20 ha in Mabie Forest. The area includes a sections where vegetation and brush has been windrowed and other areas with steep slopes where this has not bee ....
Award of 714_0986 - Mini- competition for FW0036 - Mabie Beat-up 2021-22
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear Supplier,FLS requires beat-up to bring four sites in Mabie forest up to a stocking density of 2700-3000 stems per hectare. The sites were planted in winter/spring 20-21 and are typically on brash windrowed sites without planting mounts. The area ....
Award of 714_0777 - Mabie S310 and Criffel S328
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear Supplier,We would like to invite you to quote for the following contract on behalf of our Civil Engineering function within South Region. The works are to upgrade existing / rebuild existing / construction of new forest road at Mabie forest bloc ....
Award of 714_0729 - Supply, dismantle and installation of Play Equipment in Mabi ....
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear supplier,Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) have a popular play area in Mabie; two pieces of play equipment are nearing the end of their life and will soon be no longer fit for purpose and the removal of these pieces of equipment will detract from ....
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