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Contract 13209582: Y3 Champion Appointment - Ali Morpeth Nutrition to 24/09/2025
Delivery Partner Panel 3 - North East, Yorkshire & The Humber Lot, Cottingwo ....
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Homes England's Cottingwood Phase 1 site at the former St Georges Hospital, Morpeth is a residential development delivering 260 homes with 15% affordable. This was originally procured via Homes England's Development Partner Panel 3 (DPP3) d ....
NCC1442 Construction of a New Sports Hall for King Edwards VI School in Morpeth.
Buyer : northumberland county council
Construction of a new Sports Hall for r King Edwards VI School in Morpeth.
Homes England - CCS RM6088 - Infrastructure Works - Cottingwood, Morpeth
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Contract Award for Infrastructure Works at Cottingwood, Morpeth. Awarded via CCS CWAS Framework RM6088.
Emergency Lighting Replacement Works at Morpeth NHS Centre
Buyer : nhs property services limited
Emergency Lighting Replacement Works at Morpeth NHS Centre
Lot 01 - Standard Demolition - Demolition of Storey Park Community Centre - Morp ....
Buyer : northumberland county council
Award of this Price Only tender
Homes England - Multidisciplinary - Highway Technical Approval Assessment - Cott ....
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Appointment of AECOM to undertake professional highway design services comprising: 1. An independent technical assessment of Homes England's highway designs to support its application to the local highway authority for Technical Approval pursuant to ....
Homes England - Multidisciplinary - Professional Services - Cottingwood, Morpeth
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Appointment of Gleeds to provide multi-disciplinary professional services to Homes England to prepare a new masterplan, secure planning permission and design and procure major highway and drainage infrastructure works to service the site along with u ....
Homes England - Title Indemnity Insurance, Cottingwood St Georges, Morpeth, Unit ....
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Title Indemnity Insurance - Cottingwood St Georges, Morpeth, United Kingdomr r Part of ND137936 and ND176401 as shown edged red on the attached plan.r Development and subsequent use of the Property in accordance with planning permission reference 16/ ....
Delivery Partner Panel 3 - North East, Yorkshire & The Humber Lot, Cottingwood - ....
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Cottingwood - St Georges Phase 1, Morpethr r
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