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Management and Support Services for Mutuals Society Portal, Public Register, and ....
Buyer : Financial Conduct Authority
The Mutuals Society Portal, Mutuals Public Register, and internal casework system are in effect one system interfacing with each other. These were built bespoke to FCA requirements. They are developed by an external supplier. Supplier to manage the c ....
Pain Management Services -Mutual Aid
Mutual Aid provided for Pain Management for new patient clinics for one clinic per week
Provision of iCaseWork Licences.
PSR (C&C) - Radiotherapy Treatment Mutual Aid
Buyer : University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Radiotherapy treatment planning and delivery for University Hospitals of Leicester cancer patients by United Lincolnshire NHS Trust. University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL) has a backlog of breast and prostate patients due to a lack of capacity acros ....
Croydon Equipment Service - Employee Mutual Partnership Opportunity
Buyer : Croydon Equipment Service - Employee Mutual Partnership Opportunity
Provision of community equipment services, and business services in support of a public sector mutual
Croydon Equipment Service - Employee Mutual Partnership Opportunity - AWARD
Buyer : London Borough of Croydon
The Council intends to 'spin-out' the Council team which provides community equipment and wheelchair services (CES) to a public service mutual (Mutual). A Partner is sought in order to provide the following services: - CES, to be provided t ....
SLH - Homeswapper: Online mutual exchange solution.
Buyer : City of Doncaster Council
Online mutual exchange solution.
MP062 JB WDC Mutual Exchange Customer Platform and Case Management System
Buyer : Wealden District Council
A licence for Wealden tenants to use HomeSwapper (up to 3,200 households) for free to register for a mutual exchange. Enabling them to advertise their own property and find suitable matches. Additionally, for the council to access data on the use of ....
Mutual Exchange Service System - Homeswapper
Provide data for mutual exchanges across the country, this enables our tenants to access this data and join the mutaul exchange register.
Home Options choice-based lettings system which includes modules for homelessnes ....
Buyer : erewash borough council
Call-off from a framework agreement Framework used: G-Cloud 13
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