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Open Access Sexual Health services are statutory in nature and Local Authorities ....
Buyer : surrey county council
Open Access Sexual Health services are statutory in nature and Local Authorities are required to provide them as part of their Public Health responsibilities. In Surrey, we integrate them alongside HIV treatment and care services in a partnership wit ....
RTL056P — Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) Services (Respiratory) â ....
NHS England London and South Region is seeking to identify a suitable provider to procure Adult Respiratory Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) services for the South West of England/North Central and North West of London (including the hospi ....
WPS458 Corporate Athlete's/Fit for Business Programme NHS England.
Buyer : Capita Business Services
NHS England is looking to appoint a supplier to provide Very Senior Manager's (VSM's) with additional support and coaching to a range of 50 individuals that vary from regional directorates.
WPS567 Equality and Health Inequalities Capability Building: NHS England.
Buyer : Capita Business Services
NHS England is looking to appoint a provider to carry out a training intervention and an advanced capability programme to build the competence of delegates and the capability of the organisation in understanding the requirements of the Equality Act 2 ....
WPS524 — Best Interest Assessment and Mental Health Assessor Training — NHS ....
Buyer : Capita Business Services
2 1-day events are within this programme, which are Best Interest Assessment (for GPs, all grades of Nurses, occupational therapists and social workers) and Mental Health Assessor (GPs only). These events help understand legislation and regulations.
RFQ | WPS385 | Leadership Development Programme | NHS England.
Buyer : Capita Business Services
3 optional deliveries for a Leadership Development Programme for staff at NHS England across the south region.The programme covers:— Leading teams across a wider geographical patch;— Leading in a ‘matrix’ style;— Organisational values and b ....
WPS492 | Resilience training for Continuing Healthcare and CHC and teams | NHS E ....
Buyer : Capita Business Services
This training will be designed to support Continuing Healthcare staff in developing self-care for difficult conversations and resilience related to the delivery of IPR and Independent Review Panel 1; and funding assessments.
GW4202 | Advanced Network Leadership Programme (Leading Effective Networks) | NH ....
Buyer : Capita Business Services
A bespoke learning and development programme designed specifically for network leaders, who are responsible for establishing, developing and leading a diverse range of network types for the health and care sector.
GW3643 | Mental Health Infomatics: Economic Profiling and Value | NHS England.
Buyer : Capita Business Services
A specialists programme taught by Mental Health Economist experts to be provided to CCG Mental Health leaders in 4 regions (NHS England Regions, that is South of England, London, Midlands and East and North of England) in a manner that complements th ....
Prison Pharmacy Service for HMP Sudbury and HMP Foston Hall, commissioned by NHS ....
Buyer : NHS Arden and GEM CSU
The opportunity is to provide a pharmacy supply and medicines management service, offering the highest standard of quality and governance commensurate with community provision within the operational constraints of 2 different custodial environments i ....
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