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The NHS England NHS Improvement National Commercial and Procurement Hub are undertaking on behalf of NHSEI a market engagement exercise in the form of a survey (see link below). Interested suppliers should note that this is to inform the national com ....
Buyer : nhs england
Provision of a managed service for delivery of the digital interface assets required to facilitate automation of data exchange between different systems in the staff movement journey.
NHSEI Nursing International Recruitment Programme Evaluation
Buyer : nhs england
Evaluation of NHSEI Nursing IR programme to measure attrition/ retention rated of nurses recruited with the support of NHSEI funding and map their career development/ progression since joining the NHS. This was run as a quotes process
Hosting and Support NHSEI Corporate Website
Buyer : nhs england and nhs improvement
The management, technical support and hosting of the corporate NHS England website. Including traffic costs and 24/7 security monitoring
DHSC:NHSEI:Health and NHS communications message testing
Buyer : dhsc
Qualitative research to test general thoughts about the government's Health and NHS reform agenda.
NHSEI Comorbidity Hypergraphs in Sail databank
Buyer : department of health and social care
Creation and testing of hypergraphs in the SAIL databank
NHS England and NHS Improvement Health and Justice (NHSEI H&J) South East - Live ....
Buyer : nhs south, central and west commissioning support unit
NHSEI H&J South East (the Commissioner) sought to re-commission Lived Experience Services within the South East Secure Adult estate and Secure CYP estate. The procurement was split into 5 lots: Lot 1: Kent and Medway prisons (HMP Swaleside, HMP Elmle ....
NHS England and NHS Improvement Health and Justice (NHSEI H&J) South East - Live ....
Buyer : The NHS Commissioning Board operating as NHS England
NHS England and NHS Improvement Health & Justice (NHSEI H&J) South East (the Commissioner) sought to re-commission Lived Experience Services within the South East Secure Adult estate and Secure CYP estate. The procurement was split into 5 lots:Lot 1: ....
NHS England and NHS Improvement South West (NHSEISW) - Diabetic Eye Screening Pr ....
Buyer : nhs south, central and west commissioning support unit
NHSEISW (The Commissioner) sought to re-commission two Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes (DESP) to deliver screening to the eligible populations of Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (Lot 1) and the eligible population of Dorset (Lot 2 ....
Delivering Occupational Health Services for NHSEI
Buyer : nhs england
Provision of Occupational Health Services
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