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Provision of Specialist Seating Clinics
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
To undertake Specialist Seating clinics at the Leechmere Centre Sunderland for Adults and Children who are wheelchair users and with postural issues who require specialist seating provision.
Pre-Market Engagement Questionnaire - of Home Entertainment Electronics and Elec ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
This is a prior information notice to inform and seek engagement with potential suppliers of Home Entertainment Electronics and Electrical Appliances to Health and Social Care Trusts Northern Ireland (HSCNI). To this end, BSO Procurement and Logistic ....
To provide a frenulotomy service to QEH patients To receive an average of 5-8 referrals per week for the diagnosis and treatment (if required) of tongue tie / Restrictive Lingual Frenulum (RLF)
Provision of Paediatric Cardiology outreach outpatient clinics
Buyer : Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of Paediatric Cardiology outreach outpatient services
ID 5424320 DoF IT Assist - Supply and Delivery of a SOC/SIEM for NICS - PME
Buyer : Department of Finance
** Pre-Market Engagement** DoF IT Assist - Supply and Delivery of a SOC/SIEM for NICS - PME DOF is currently preparing to initiate a procurement process to establish a contract with an external security specialist to provide a SOC SIEM managed servic ....
HST Power Car Traction Electronics Overhaul
Buyer : ScotRail Trains Limited
ScotRail Trains Limited (herein referenced as ScotRail) wish to overhaul the existing Knorr Bremse WP98 WSP control units on their fleet of 117 trailer cars and spares stock. The WSP control units (Railway Cat number 064/012539) were installed in the ....
Buyer : University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Community Infusion Clinics
SN.UWTSD2324/005. Equipment for Biomechanics Laboratory for the Innovation Matri ....
Buyer : University of Wales Trinity Saint David
As part of ATiC’s relocation to a larger, dedicated facility in the Innovation Matrix, due to be completed by June 2nd, 2024, ATiC is seeking to procure the following capital equipment to expand its capabilities in biomechanical research and analys ....
Replacement DVOR Electronics at Kirkwall Airport
Buyer : Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
HIAL requires the capability to provide a DVOR service within the published DOC. User and technical system requirements will be defined in due course. The capability shall be delivered compliant to all applicable regulations, with minimal impact on K ....
Avionics Systems and Procedural Trainer (ASPT)
Buyer : Unknown
The Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) Special Projects Multi-Air Platforms (SPMAP) Project Team has a requirement for the procurement of 2 x classroom-based Avionics Systems and Procedural Trainers (ASPT) to assist aircrew personnel training. This ....
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