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8028 - RFT for Print and Design for NSAI
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
Ruth Stafford Jones Bonsai Greenhouse
This notice invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced contractors or other organisations who wish to participate in a tender competition to provide Glasshouse and brickwork installation at Kew Gardens, for which Kew has ....
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
Online backup solution as per attached documents
NSAI - Supply of Evidenced based technical information releant to NSAI Defective ....
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
NSAI has been requested by Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) to carry out a number of technical tasks including: a)A review of the I.S. 465:2018+A1:2020 Assessment, testing and categorisation of damaged buildings incorporat ....
NSAI- NML- 20kg Automatic Mass Comparator
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
Supply of an automatic Mass comparator capable of calibrating at least one 1 x 20kg reference mass and 1 x 20kg test mass to OIML E1 Grade.
NSAI - NML - Supply of Free-Cooling Chiller
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
The chiller supplied to the NSAI NML shall be capable of providing at between 200-250kW cooling capacity for a chilled water outlet temperature of 9 Deg. C.
NSAI - LM - Authorisation to undertake verification for specific instrument type ....
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
NSAI - LM - Authorisation to undertake verification for specific instrument types granted under: Section 12 of the Metrology Act, 1996OrSection 48 of theEuropean Union (Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments) Regulations, 2018
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced firms for Facilities Management services covering NSAI properties as detailed in the attached documents.
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
NSAI seek to add to the following panels of sub contract Auditor / Inspectors to undertake third party audits / inspections at NSAI Client Companies, Please note that those already appointed to these panels do not need to reapply, this notice is for ....
NSAI - Panel of Subcontractors
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
NSAI seek to create panels of sub-contract Auditor / Inspectors to undertake third party audits / inspections at NSAI Client Companies Please see attached documents for further information.
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