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RDE401 Nature-based Solutions Water Resources Handbook
Buyer : Environment Agency
The aim of this project is to develop a standalone guide to Nature-based Solutions (NBS) for Water Resources and Groundwater benefits for use by practitioners including external stakeholders such as water companies undertaking NBS schemes as part of ....
To apply please respond to the attached request for quotation pack and associated documents. Send your response to: no later than midday on Wednesday 8th February 2023. Please include "Nature-based Solutions Moni ....
Groundwater, Nature-based Solutions, WQ, Climate Change mapping and modelling
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
This cross-cutting project aims to assess the water quality and water resource benefits (and other multiple benefits) of installing nature-based solutions across a catchment. This desk-based work is predominantly focusing on modelling the water resou ....
Nature-based Solutions mapping and modelling in chalk catchments
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
The objective of this project is to assess the water resource benefits (and other multiple benefits) of modelling Nature-based solutions (NBS) measures across Chalk catchments. This is predominantly a desk-based numerical model study, although future ....
Groundwater & Nature-based Solutions (NBS) improving the evidence-base
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
This project aims to build our evidence base by assessing and quantifying the potential water resource benefits (and other multiple benefits) of installing Nature-based Solutions (NBS) measures across four catchments with differing geology. The proje ....
Cam Nature-based Solutions Weather and Soil Monitoring Equipment
The purchase of weather and soil moisture monitoring equipment to monitor the effectiveness of nature-based solutions on water resources within the Cam catchment.
Cam Nature-based Solutions Water Level Monitoring Equipment
The purchase of water level and flow monitoring equipment to monitor the effectiveness of nature-based solutions on water resources within the Cam catchment.
*Please note a full Request for Tender document is attached to this notice* BACKGROUND Natural England and the National Trust recognise the positive impact that nature can have on our physical and mental health. This work is being commissioned as par ....
Wensum Nature-based Solutions Monitoring Equipment
Buyer : department for environment food & rural affairs
The purchase of water level monitoring equipment to monitor the effectiveness of nature-based solutions on water resources within the Wensum catchment.
Wensum Nature-based Solutions Monitoring Equipment
Buyer : department for environment food & rural affairs
The purchase of water level monitoring equipment to monitor the effectiveness of nature-based solutions on water resources within the Wensum catchment.
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