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Connect to Work programme for the North East Combined Authority
Buyer : North East Combined Authority
This notification / Prior Information Notice (PIN) / update is intended to alert providers to an opportunity to deliver the Connect to Work programme for the North East Combined Authority (North East CA). The e-tendering system used by the North East ....
Connect to Work programme for the North East Combined Authority
This notification / Prior Information Notice (PIN) / update is intended to alert providers to an opportunity to deliver the Connect to Work programme for the North East Combined Authority (North East CA). The e-tendering system used by the North East ....
Financial Due Diligence and Assurance of Projects Framework for the North East L ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Framework to provide Financial Due Diligence and Assurance of projects to the North East Local Enterprise Partnership. The framework will cover: •Financial Due Diligence and Assurance
Services to Support Projects, Programme and Technical Appraisal Framework for th ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Framework to provide services to support Project / Programme Development and Technical Appraisal to the North East Local Enterprise Partnership. The framework will cover two lots as detailed below: Lot 1 - Project Development and Technical Appraisal ....
Digital design, development, hosting and online marketing services for the North ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
A sole supplier framework for digital web services including web design and development strategy, associated web hosting and maintenance, and digital marketing of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP) and North East Combined Au ....
Event Management Services Framework for the North East Local Enterprise Partners ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Full service event management agency to work with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership to undertake a series of events throughout the North East to effectively engage, market and communicate a number of solutions and services to the North East ....
Public Relations and Social Media Support for the North East Local Enterprise Pa ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
To deliver public and media relations, social media and digital strategies.
Framework for the provision of media buying services for the North East Local En ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
The North East Combine Authority (NECA) is the accountable body for the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) The North East LEP and NECA require a strategic and quality deliverer of media buying services to support a number of its key proj ....
Framework for the Management of Digital Content for the North East Local Enterpr ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Framework for the Management of Digital Content for the North East Local Enterprise Partnership and North East Combined Authority.
004838 - North East Combined Authority Transport Plan Assessments
Buyer : Newcastle City Council
North East Combined Authority Regional Transport Team : Invitation to Tender for Strategic Environmental Assessment, Habitats Regulation Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment and Rural Proofing Exercise for the Transport ....
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