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PCTP Enhancements 2024. Development and enhancements to its PCTP system
The authority requires development and enhancements to its PCTP system. Deliver the release and assistance to implement on MPS infrastructure. This proposal covers a number of features to be developed for the PCTP system: 1. Change "/remote/send" to ....
NEPO212 Support Services for the Development of the Built Environment, Lot 4 Cal ....
Buyer : middlesbrough council
PCT / SHA Legacy Disposals (H W Coates)
Buyer : nhs england
Provision of secure disposal for legacy PCT/SHA paper records
PCT / SHA Legacy Disposals (Restore)
Buyer : nhs england
Provision of secure disposal for legacy PCT/SHA paper records
Buyer : ctm portal for the nda shared services alliance
A Contract has been awarded by Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL) as a result of a mini competition through the Design Services (Minor) - Lot 1 (Mechanical) Framework for PCTL Design Support
MK/ PCTS /02/19 - ITT for Product and Concept Testing Services
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Product and Concept Testing Services
Swanbourne CE School - Crack Insepction
Buyer : Buckinghamshire County Council
Crack Insepction
Enhanced GMS for Nursing Home Residents - Ealing PCT [Lot A and Lot B].
Buyer : NHS Ealing CCG
The provision on a comprehensive primary care service to the residents of Nursing Homes in Ealing and selected surrounding localities.
JH/PCTS/02/22 - Product and Concept Testing Services
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
Product and Concept Testing Services
Periodic Electrical Insepctions and Associated Works
Buyer : Onward Group Ltd (Acting on behalf of iteslf and any current or future subsidiaries)
Onward are looking to appoint up to two suitably qualified, accredited contractors to undertake relevant periodic electrical inspections and associated works predominantly for the Merseyside and Greater Manchester regions. Electrical service and repa ....
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