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Two services:1) Hospital to home (Home Together reablement)2) One off payment Personal Health Budgets
Fast Track - PHB notional budget
Buyer : NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB
Fast Track - PHB notional budget
Maintenance - Arterion Contrast Injectors PHB and Solaris Injection System LCH
Age UK Hospital to Home and PHBs
Buyer : Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board
Two services:1) Hospital to home (Home Together reablement)2) One off payment Personal Health Budgets
Proof of concept for use of one off PHBs for patients with COPD
Proof of concept for use of one off PHBs for patients with COPD.Time limited contract to support electronic payments designated to test sites
Proof of concept for use of one off PHBs for patients with COPD
Proof of concept for use of one off PHBs for patients with COPD.Time limited contract to support electronic payments designated to test sites
Physical Disability - PHB notional budget
Buyer : Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit
Physical Disability - PHB notional budget
Maintenance - Endoscopy Reprocessors & Drying Cabinets PHB, CHL
Buyer : united lincolnshire hospitals nhs trust
Maintenance and service agreement Endoscopy Reprocessors & Drying Cabinets Pilgrim Hospital and Louth Hospital.
PHB Support Service in West Essex
Buyer : attain
This is a Contract Award Notice to communicate a contract award made by the Contracting Authority; Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority") in compliance with their local standing financial inst ....
Provision of Senior CHC Nurse Assessor PHB for NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB
Buyer : nhs arden and gem csu
Provision of Senior CHC Nurse Assessor PHB for NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB Procured under the Crown Commercial Services: RM6160 Non Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff-Lot2.
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