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St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust Provision of Outsourced Cleaning Services
Buyer : St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust
The Trust is seeking a Contractor that will deliver an Outsourced Cleaning Service for this contract to provide a high-quality service, whilst delivering value for money. Tenderers are referred to the Cleaning Service Specification and cleaning sched ....
Capability Assessment for Insourced Radiographers - SBS10203 To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA15364. Not registered: Visit then register and ....
The Trust is seeking a Contractor that will deliver an Outsourced Catering Service for this contract to provide a high-quality service, whilst delivering value for money for the school, parents and pupils using the Services. The Contract will include ....
The Trust is seeking a Contractor that will deliver an Outsourced Catering Service for this contract to provide a high-quality service, whilst delivering value for money for the school, parents and pupils using the Services. The Contract will include ....
CPC intends to put a framework agreement in place with multiple suppliers for the supply of ICT hardware and peripherals equipment, and related services, open to both manufacturers and resellers that will offer additional benefits through collaborati ....
This opportunity is for the complete replacement of a hydrotherapy pool, which includes addressing all leaks and condition matters. A detailed structural survey is required during the works and associated integrity testing, with new and upgrades to a ....
Capability Assessment for Mammographers via SBS framework ref: 10203 To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA15087. Not registered: Visit then regis ....
This contract has already been awarded to the incumbent supplier.
Early Market Engagement - Request for Information The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) requires an experimental rig which will be used to complete at least one experimental campaign to validate helium cryogenic fluid properties with rep ....
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