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Technical Assistance for Implementation of DFID Nepal National Health Sector Pro ....
Provision of technical assistance for the implementation of procurement and public financial management (PPFM) under DFID Nepal overall national health sector programme.
PPF Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
Buyer : The Board of the Pension Protection Fund
Planned Preventative Maintenance including reactive maintenance
PPF Asset Liability methodology peer review
Buyer : pension protection fund
External peer review PPF methodology and assumptions used to model a pension fund's assets and liabilities.
PPF Planned Preventative Maintenance PPM
Buyer : pension protection fund
The contract will begin on 26 January 2024 for an initial 2 year period. There is an option to extend that initial term by a further period of up to 3 years.
PPF Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
Buyer : The Board of the Pension Protection Fund
Planned Preventative Maintenance including reactive maintenance
Design services for the PPF's external communications
Buyer : The Board of the Pension Protection Fund
Design services for external communications
Design services for the PPF's external communications
Buyer : pension protection fund
The contract for the provision of design services for external communications. This contract is let for an initial period of 36 months with optional extensions to take the maximum term to 60 months.
Independent Review of the Annual Valuation for the PPF
Buyer : pension protection fund
The Chief Actuary is required by legislation to produce an annual valuation of the fund which forms part of the PPF's Annual Report & Accounts. Given the complexity and high-profile nature of the work, the Appointed Actuary has concluded that the val ....
Buyer : pension protection fund
The Board of the Pension Protection Fund ("the PPF") has appointed a supplier to provide an online employee benefits portal to host core and flexible employee benefits. The value is the total potential contract value for a 4 year term (3+1) including ....
NCF: NPPF Review of Ancient Woodlands and Trees-Woodland Trust enabling contract
Buyer : defra
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) ('the Customer') is commissioning analysis for responses to a review of the implementation of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) regarding ancient woodlands and ancient and vet ....
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