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Parenteral Nutrition for Adults, Paediatrics, and Neonates
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
Supply of parenteral nutrition for adult, paediatric, and neonatal patients in NHS Scotland.
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
This is a prior information notice to seek engagement with economic operators to understand the marketplace for integrated home parenteral nutrition services generally described as the manufacture, delivery and homecare support for patients with inte ....
This Framework Agreement is for the Homecare Service for the supply of Parenteral Nutrition bags, compounded or supplied as standard multi chamber or supplemented, or as simple fluid bags manufactured under Special license in accordance with each ind ....
This Framework Agreement is for the Homecare Service for the supply of Parenteral Nutrition bags, compounded or supplied as standard multi chamber or supplemented, or as simple fluid bags manufactured under Special license in accordance with each ind ....
This Framework Agreement is for the Homecare Service for the supply of Parenteral Nutrition bags, compounded or supplied as standard multi chamber or supplemented, or as simple fluid bags manufactured under Special license in accordance with each ind ....
This Framework Agreement is for the Homecare Service for the supply of Parenteral Nutrition bags, compounded or supplied as standard multi chamber or supplemented, or as simple fluid bags manufactured under Special license in accordance with each ind ....
Supply of Parenteral Nutrition Products
Buyer : Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Supply of Parenteral Nutrition Products - Ranked Framework across the following LOTS:Lot 1 Components and ConsumablesLot 2 Multi-chamber and Supplemented BagsLot 3 Neonatal Parenteral NutritionLot 4 Bespoke Adult Parenteral NutritionThe ranked framew ....
Homecare Services for the supply of Parenteral Nutrition bags
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
This Framework Agreement is for the Homecare Service for the supply of Parenteral Nutrition bags, compounded or supplied as standard multi chamber or supplemented, or as simple fluid bags manufactured under Special license in accordance with each ind ....
Home Parenteral Nutrition Services
Home Parenteral Nutrition
NP30217 Homecare Delivery Services for compounded Parenteral Nutrition
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
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