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Buyer : British Council
Payroll Services for the British Council in Azerbaijan, Baku
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust - Payroll and HR Admin Services
Buyer : The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust is currently out to tender for the provision of Payroll and HR Administration Services.The contract is being offered for three years with the option to extend for a further two periods of 12 months. The contract ....
NHS London Procurement Partnership (hosted by Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust) intends to establish a multiple supplier framework for the provision of Payroll Services Framework.
Star Academies is looking to run an FTS (EU) compliant tender under PCR2015 with the intention of creating a contract with a single supplier for the trust. This will be a restricted process, and a process timetable can be found further below in this ....
Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Multi Academy Trust Tender for Provision of Human Resou ....
Buyer : Mater Ecclesiae Catholic MAT
To provide Human Resources and Payroll system to Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Multi Academy Trust, based in Lancashire
Buyer : HR and Payroll System
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council have a requirement for a Payroll and HR Management System to achieve better outcomes with an automated HR/Payroll system.
The objective for establishing the framework for the provision of payroll services is to deliver the following business benefits:• Provision of a legally compliant route to market for fully comprehensive payroll and pensions service which complies ....
HR & Payroll Services Tender
Buyer : HR and Payroll System
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council have a requirement for a Payroll and HR Management System to achieve better outcomes with an automated HR/Payroll system.
Buyer : Tai Tarian Ltd
This PIN is a Pre-Market Engagement issued by Tai Tarian to encourage HR & Payroll business application suppliers to register and attend a meet the buyer session for an anticipated procurement process. Tai Tarian is a not-for-profit Registered Social ....
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