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Periodic Inspection, Servicing, Maintenance and Repair of Active Fire Safety Ins ....
The Contracting Authorities wish to jointly appoint a Contractor to undertake the periodic inspection, testing, servicing, maintenance and repair of their Active Fire Safety Installations including the undertaking of 24/7 responsive call-outs and rep ....
Term Service Contract for the Maintenance and Periodic Inspection and Testing of ....
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire Council
The East Riding of Yorkshire Council owns and controls approximately 286 emergency lighting installations throughout the County, of various sizes and complexity. The contract scope of work includes the initial inspection, testing and verification of ....
Term Service Contract for the Maintenance, Periodic Inspection and Servicing, an ....
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire Council
The Maintenance, Periodic Inspection and Servicing, and Installation of Building Energy Management Systems in various occupied operational properties within the geographical boundaries of the East Riding of Yorkshire.
The Maintenance, Periodic Inspection and Servicing, and Installation of Building Energy Management Systems in various occupied operational properties within the geographical boundaries of the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Main Electrical Periodic Inspection and fixed Equipment Inspection and Test Repo ....
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
The College is looking for a contractor to provide the service of Main Electrical Periodic Inspection and Fixed Equipment Inspection and test reports. This service will be for the following Campuses:-Ammanford Campus, Ammanford SA18 3TA Floor space 8 ....
Main Electrical Periodic Inspection and Fixed Equipment Inspection and test repo ....
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Term Service Contract for the Maintenance, Periodic Inspection and Servicing, an ....
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire Council
The Maintenance, Periodic Inspection and Servicing, and Installation of Building Energy Management Systems in various occupied operational properties within the geographical boundaries of the East Riding of Yorkshire.
QS and site management services to oversee Electrical Periodic Inspection contra ....
Buyer : Guildford Borough Council
Term Service Contract for the Maintenance, Periodic Inspection, Servicing and Re ....
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire Council
The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has over 150 sites, with a variety of catering appliances, of varying size, type and complexity. The contract will cover the periodic inspection, servicing and maintenance of catering equipment that are the respon ....
Term Service Contract for the Maintenance, Periodic Inspection, Servicing and Re ....
Buyer : east riding of yorkshire council
The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has over 150 sites, with a variety of catering appliances, of varying size, type and complexity. The contract will cover the periodic inspection, servicing and maintenance of catering equipment that are the respon ....
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