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Provision of Pipettes, Pippette Aids, Vortex and Vacuum Pumps.
Buyer : kings college london
Kings College London is creating a new Gene Therapy Vector Facility (GTVF). The Facility will be located in the Rayne Institute, which is operated by King's College London on the Denmark Hill Campus. The GTVF will be co-located with 2 existing vector ....
Award of Servicing of Pipettes (MS-P-0245)
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites a tender for the servicing of its pipettes located at our Science Laboratory in Aberdeen.Marine Scotland, a Directorate of the Scottish Government, has in the region of 210 pipettes which are used by our Science Division. Pipe ....
UKHSA_Scientific_Provision of 96-channel Pipettes
Buyer : uk health security agency
Contract awarded for the supply of two automated pipettor systems via under threshold competitive tender.
UKHSA_Scientific_Purchase of Pipettes for the Vaccine Task Force
Buyer : uk health security agency
UKHSA has awarded a contract to VWR International Ltd for the Purchase of Pipettes for the Vaccine Task Force Programme via further competition under LAB4040 SUPC Framework.
Serological Pipettes and other consumables
Buyer : uk health security agency
Serological Pipettes and other consumables UKHSA have reserved the right to extend the contract by 2 x 6 month optional extension periods and as such there is no commitment to such extensions.
Multi Channel Pipettes for Rosalind Franklin Lab
Buyer : uk health security agency
Requirement of Multi Channel Pipettes for Rosalind Franklin Lab
The Supply and Delivery of Pipettes
Buyer : medicines discovery catapult
The Supply and Delivery of Pipettes.
Buyer : department of health and social care (t&t)
VWR Pipettes
Provision of Stripettes (Serological pipettes)
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care (T&T)
Provision of Stripettes (Serological pipettes)
Pipettes, stands and tube racks
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care (T&T)
Equipment and consumables required to kit LAMP laboratories across England and the Devolved Authorities. Provision of tube racks, vortexes, pipettes and pipette stands.
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