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This notice is to promote interest in a 2nd Engagement Event for Seascapes, a transboundary MPA programme funded by the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme. Seascapes aims to test and scale transboundary marine conservation for spe ....
Planning Research - Study to Prepare One Planet Development Practice Guidance
Buyer : Welsh Government
Objective of ResearchThe objective is to provide comprehensive practice guidance for local planning authorities and planning applicants on the implementation of the new policy framework for One Planet Developments set out in Technical Advice Note 6 P ....
Planet eStream Annual Subscription Licence Renewal Additional 1TB cloud storage - annual price
Felixstowe to Planet Music Unit 3 Bridge Business Centre Top Street Old Martlesh ....
Buyer : Suffolk County Council Passenger Transport
Suffolk County Council is seeking a mini competition against the following Dynamic Purchasing System: `The supply of Passenger Transport Services`, OJEU Notice Id: 2018/S 031-067685. QWE001 0900 2024-11-26 Felixstowe to Planet Music Unit 3 Bridge Bus ....
Planet eStream Annual Subscription Licence Renewal Additional 1TB cloud storage - annual price
MRI Planet Annual Subscription Fee
Buyer : UK Health Security Agency
MRI Planet Annual Subscription Fee 24/25
T24-016BUS PEACEPLUS Our Place, Our Planet
Buyer : Derry City and Strabane District Council
Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus Our Place, Our Planet project. This tender will deliver a Children and Youth Outdoor Arts, Culture and Environment Project. This tender will be delivered district wid ....
Annual subscription
Fixing our Broken Planet - Exhibition Showcases
MRI Planet Annual Subscription
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