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Homes England - Harras Moor, Whitehaven - Ash Dieback Tree Felling and Replaceme ....
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Tree felling and replacement planting at Harras Moor, Whitehaven. The felling is required in response to the outcome of Ash Dieback surveys on the site. The site is irregularly shaped and comprises open grassland with several tree belts, some along ....
QQ23015 - Maintenance and Planting Contract 23/24
Buyer : wolverhampton city council
Contract for planting and maintaining small transplant trees at 7 sites
Grounds Maintenance & Planting Contract
Buyer : Ross-On-Wye Town Council
Ross-on-Wye Town Council is responsible for areas of land situated within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and the Conservation Area. The current contracts for Grounds Maintenance and Planting are due to expire and the Council wishes to amalgam ....
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