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DE - 3011376 - Appointment Of An IST For New Build Mill Strand Integrated Primar ....
Buyer : The Trustees of Mill Strand Integrated Primary School, Portrush
The project is for the provision of design development and construction of a new build 14 class Mill Strand Integrated Primary School and double nursery to be located at a new site on Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Works are to include the provision of ....
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Procedure to be followed for this procurement process is the Open Procedure (Regulation 27 of the Public Contracts Regulations). Economic Operators should note that the Pre-qualification questionnaire is being used as an Eligibility Document. The ....
Portrush Public Realm — Supply of Granite Paving Materials.
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Council invites tender submissions for the supply and delivery of granite paving materials for future use in the Portrush Public Realm Project. Materials to be provided under the Contract include granite road kerbs, granite flag paving and granit ....
Buyer : Woven Housing Association Ltd
The project is for the provision of 33 new dwelling units and all associated external works including earthworks, drainage, utilities, landscaping, roads / footpaths / parking, gardens, fencing, rails and other ancillary works. A significant amount o ....
The project is for the provision of design development and construction of a new build 14 class mill strand integrated primary school and double nursery to be located at a new site on Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Works are to include the provision of ....
The project is for the provision of design development and construction of a new build 14 class Mill Strand Integrated Primary School and double nursery to be located at a new site on Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Works are to include the provision of ....
DE - 3011376 — Appointment Of An IST For New Build Mill Strand Integrated Prim ....
Buyer : The Trustees of Mill Strand Integrated Primary School, Portrush
The project is for the provision of design development and construction of a new build 14 class Mill Strand Integrated Primary School and double nursery to be located at a new site on Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Works are to include the provision of ....
Portrush Regeneration - Economic Impact Study
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Portrush Regeneration - Economic Impact Study
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Procedure to be followed for this procurement process is the Open Procedure (Regulation 27 of the Public Contracts Regulations). Economic Operators should note that the Pre-qualification questionnaire is being used as an Eligibility Document. The ....
Supply of granite paving materials for Portrush Public Realm Project.
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Council invites tender submissions for the supply and delivery of granite paving materials for future use in the Portrush Public Realm Project. Materials to be provided under the Contract include granite road kerbs, granite flag paving and granit ....
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