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Delivering sustainability and carbon neutral targets through innovative technolo ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (NSS) are acting on behalf of NHS Ayrshire & Arran, NHS Dumfries & Galloway, NHS Forth Valley and NHS Lanarkshire are seeking expressions of interest from parties capable ....
Supply & installation of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) systems for th ....
Buyer : Social Farms and Gardens
This project is being funded by the Welsh Government through the Foundational Economy Challenge Fund. The Welsh Government is keen to work with business and partners who are committed to the four pillars of the Economic Contract.Suppliers wishing to ....
Procurement and supply of low-value requirements limited to the Public Contracting Regulations (PCR 2015) threshold which is currently £116,406 (ex VAT), £139,688 (inc. VAT) in support of defence services to Defence Munitions.
Inspection, maintenance and renewal of existing safety barrier systems / vehicle restraint systems and installation of new as required.
Buyer : Perth & Kinross Council
Perth & Kinross Council is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to deliver Care & Repair services for elderly and disabled householders and private rented sector tenants throughout all of Perth & Kinros ....
Design, Supply & Install 2 Play Areas
Buyer : Shrewsbury Town Council
Shrewsbury Town Council are looking to refurbish two play areas at Tilstock Crescent and Raby Crescent, Shrewsbury
City St Georges University, Tooting Campus Jenner G2 Zones 4, 5 & 6 AHU refurbis ....
Buyer : City University
City St Georges University, Tooting Campus Jenner G2 Zones 4, 5 & 6 AHU refurbishment project. Details in Tender documents To view this notice, please click here:
Craignure Pier & Ferry Terminal Works
Buyer : Argyll and Bute Council
The existing pier and passenger facilities at Craignure are life expired and new infrastructure will support the deployment of new vessels on the route and wider ferry network as follows: - Replace the existing terminal infrastructure, parts of which ....
This contract is for the renewal of software tools used by members of the council (AFC, RBK and LBS) in project management, user mapping, service planning and delivery, security management and IT teams for general service productivity. As examples an ....
SSE will require suppliers under the framework to provide the full range of services for Aerial Vehicle inspection, survey & photography services across both 'onshore' and 'offshore' locations. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Inspection, Survey & Photography ....
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