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61450C - Civil Structural Engineering Services for Additional Accommodation at P ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Tralee)
Presentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation. In summary, the project will comprise:Section ....
61450C - Quantity Surveying Services for Additional Accommodation at Presentatio ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Tralee)
Presentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation. In summary, the project will comprise:Section ....
61450C - Architectural Services for Additional Accommodation at Presentation Sec ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Tralee)
Presentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation. In summary, the project will comprise:Section ....
61450C - Building Services (M&E) Engineering Services for Additional Accommodati ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Tralee)
Presentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation. In summary, the project will comprise:Section ....
65240L - Civil Structural Engineering Services for Additional Accommodation at P ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Ballingarry)
Description of the ProjectPresentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the patronage of the CEIST. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationSection A: •2 x Classrooms 58.6 m2•1 x Graphics Room ....
65240L - Building Services (M&E) Engineering Services for Additional Accommodati ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Ballingarry)
Description of the ProjectPresentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the patronage of the CEIST. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationSection A: •2 x Classrooms 58.6 m2•1 x Graphics Room ....
65240L - Architectural Services for Additional Accommodation at Presentation Sec ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Ballingarry)
Description of the ProjectPresentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the patronage of the CEIST. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationSection A: •2 x Classrooms 58.6 m2•1 x Graphics Room ....
65240L - Quantity Surveying Services for Additional Accommodation at Presentatio ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Ballingarry)
Description of the ProjectPresentation Secondary School is a voluntary secondary school under the patronage of the CEIST. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationSection A: •2 x Classrooms 58.6 m2•1 x Graphics Room ....
Presentation School Mitchelstown - Two new temporary classrooms and associated s ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Mitchelstown)
The works consist of the installation of 2 no. new prefabricated classroom units including all necessary ground preparation and all associated siteworks.
Provision of Demountable Classrooms and Toilet Building at Presentation Secondar ....
Buyer : Presentation Secondary School (Kilkenny)
Erection of a detached single storey temporary demountable building containing 2 No. classrooms, Science room and toilets, associated site works and ancillary related works at Presentation secondary school, Outrath Road, Loughboy, Kilkenny
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