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WMCA Technical Education, Skills and Employment Support Flexible Procurement Sys ....
Buyer : West Midlands Combined Authority
This notice is being used to inform the market of the establishment of a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for Technical Education, Skills and Employment Support by West Midlands Combined Authority, which will from this point on be known as the WMCA ....
Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Independent Assessors and ....
Buyer : City of Doncaster Council
The City of Doncaster Council is seeking to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Independent Assessors and Reviewers. The FPS is divided into lots, Lot One - Deprivation of Liberties Mental Health Assessments (DOLs MHA) ....
eProcurement System - Contract and Supplier Management Solution
Buyer : Pool Re Services Limited
Pool Re wishes to competitively tender for a single-service provider for an e-Procurement Sourcing, Contract and Supplier Management Solution. The overarching objectives are to offer improved efficiency in the procurement lifecycle process, ensure co ....
WMCA Technical Education, Skills and Employment Support Flexible Procurement Sys ....
Buyer : West Midlands Combined Authority
Our ambition is to develop a more integrated Employment and Skills and Employment Support ecosystem for the region through which we can stimulate economic growth, deliver better outcomes for residents and businesses and create healthier, thriving com ....
The FPS for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education Services is part of the continuum of services that support children, young people, and their families. It provides a structured and organised approach that outlines the principles, guidelin ....
Flexible Procurement system for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education ....
Buyer : City of Doncaster Council
The City of Doncaster Council is to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education Services under the light touch regime. The FPS for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education Services is par ....
Flexible Procurement system for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education ....
Buyer : City of Doncaster Council
The City of Doncaster Council is to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education Services under the light touch regime. The FPS for the Provision of Children's Specialist Education Services is par ....
HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement Systems – Soft Market Testing
Buyer : Salford City Council
Salford City Council (SCC) is considering options in relation to its current Enterprise, Resource, Planning (ERP) system, currently provided by SAP. In preparation for this, it is the intention to hold some soft market testing (preliminary market con ....
The City of Doncaster Council (The Council) is to establish a Flexible Procurement System for the Provision of Children's Short Breaks Services There are five lots available: Lot 1: Regulated Personal Support. Personal support services will provide c ....
Flexible Procurement System for the Provision of 16+ Supported Accommodation
Buyer : Doncaster Council
The City of Doncaster Council (The Council) is to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) under the Light Touch Regime of registered organisation to deliver semi-independent living accommodation and to young people aged 16+This process will be ....
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