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To Approve the direct award of a contract to Network Rail to support the proposals for the New Station Footbridge and Station Access Improvements projects (collectively known as the Station Gateway).
Construction logistics strategy for Critical Works and SCAH early works projects ....
Buyer : defra
Construction logistics strategy for Critical Works and SCAH early works projects.
Provision of Summative Assessments for Launchpad (LP), Business Productivity (BP ....
Buyer : barnsley metropolitan borough council
Summative assessments are intended to provide an insight into project performance and give reliable evidence of their efficiency, effectiveness and value for money, as well as insights into what and why interventions work (or not), and lessons for th ....
UCC/2021/45 - Consultancy Services for Community Engagement, Evaluation and Impa ....
Buyer : University College Cork ( UCC )
As per RFT
GB-Sheffield: BI Platform Scrum Master-Project Management services for BI Platfo ....
Buyer : british business bank plc
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support. ITSolDel - P-1285 - C1577
Training to support FA3D2 project (RC45QN), other ongoing projects and future pr ....
Buyer : university of nottingham (the)
Provide specific and targeted training to our team to enable further research. The software solution was purchased as part of the FA3D2 project (RC45QN) and the training will support that project, other ongoing projects (including RC45K3, RC45R8, and ....
Bradford Opportunity Area Year 5 activities and projects.
Buyer : bradford metropolitan district council
To deliver a range of Bradford Opportunity Area Year 5 activities and projects that are designed to improve outcomes for young people through education.
TCC001103T - Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision of Ground Investigation ....
Buyer : Tipperary County Council
Tipperary County Council (“the Procuring Authority”) acting as a purchasing body is procuring on its own behalf and on behalf of Kilkenny County Council (“the Contracting Authorities”) a multi-supplier Framework for the provision of Ground In ....
Provision of independent economic viability advice in relation to planning schem ....
Buyer : South Ribble Borough Council
Provision of independent economic viability advice in relation to planning schemes and development projects.
TCC001031E - LiDAR and Orthophotography Surveys for the N24 Cahir to Limerick Ju ....
Buyer : Tipperary County Council
Tipperary County Council, in conjunction with Limerick City & County Council, Kilkenny County Council, Waterford City & County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland, requires Consultancy Services to undertake LiDAR and Orthophotography Surveys ....
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