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***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a mini competition under the PS24030 Behavioural Science Call-off Framework - RAF067/2324, Lot 3. Brief Description of Requirement This prim ....
Public Views, Experiences of Policing and Criminal Justice
Buyer : Essex Police
This notice is to inform the market of the award of a recent opportunity conducted under the Matrix Portal for the award of a Public Views contract for Essex Police. The contract is needed to issue surveys to identify public views of Essex Police, an ....
The Authority required the services of a suitably qualified and experienced research organisation to conduct surveys of the publics across the geography of West Mercia, analyse the results and present finding back into the Authority.
7F-2020-0142 - Public Views, Experience of Policing and Criminal Justice
Buyer : The Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk
Essex Police, The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies are seeking a delivery partner for a project that obtains, and interprets the views of residents on the police and wider criminal justice system.
7F-2020-0142 - Public Views, Experience of Policing and Criminal Justice
Buyer : The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex
Essex Police, The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies are seeking a delivery partner for a project that obtains, and interprets the views of residents on the police and wider criminal justice system.
7F-2020-0142 - Public Views and Experiences of Policing
Buyer : 7 Forces Procurement
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex and Essex Police are seeking a delivery partner for a project that obtains and interprets the views of residents on the police and wider criminal justice system. Pl ....
Public Views and Experience of Policing and Criminal Justice in Essex
Buyer : Kent Police and Essex Police Procurement Services
Essex Police (EP) and the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Essex (OPCC) are seeking a delivery partner for a project that obtains the views of Essex residents on the police and wider criminal justice system (CJS) in Essex including a boo ....
Public Views and Experiences of Policing, the PCC and Victims Services
Buyer : west mercia police procurement department
The Authority requires the services of a suitably qualified and experienced research organisation to conduct surveys of the publics across the geography of West Mercia, analyse the results and present finding back into the Authority.
Patient and public views on refraction
Buyer : general optical council
We are looking to commission deliberative research to understand the views of patients and the general public on whether dispensing opticians should be permitted to carry out refraction for the purposes of the sight test, and, if so, under what circu ....
7F-2020-0142 — Public Views, Experience of Policing and Criminal Justice
Buyer : The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex
Essex Police, The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies are seeking a delivery partner for a project that obtains, and interprets the views of residents on the police and wider criminal justice system.
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