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North Wales Collaborative Framework for the supply of Highways Quarry Materials
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
The North Wales Procurement Partnership is looking to establish a collaborative framework agreement for the provision of Highways Quarry Materials.The Partnership Unit is leading this collaborative procurement for Highways Quarry Materials in order t ....
Framework for Supply of Quarry Materials
Buyer : Stirling Council
Supply and delivery of quarry materials including coated and uncoated roadstone and ready mixed concrete for road maintenance activities.
Reserved Procurement - Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials
Buyer : dounreay, a division of magnox limited
Dounreay, a division of Magnox Limited, has awarded a call-off Contract for the supply and delivery of quarry materials. This is as a result of a competitive procurement conducted in accordance with PPN 11/20, with a geographical reservation being ap ....
Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Fill, and Topsoil
Buyer : DfI
Department for Infrastructure DfI (Roads, and Rivers), the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs DAERA (Forest Service and Inland Fisheries), and NI Water, wishes to invite tenders from competent suppliers for a call-off list for t ....
Framework for the Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials
Buyer : Stirling Council
Stirling Council requires the supply and delivery (when required) of quarry materials (including coated and uncoated roadstone, recycled roadstone and ready mixed concrete) for road maintenance activities. This tender will result in a framework agree ....
Framework for the Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials
Buyer : Stirling Council
Stirling Council requires the supply and delivery (when required) of quarry materials (including coated and uncoated roadstone, recycled roadstone and ready mixed concrete) for road maintenance activities. This tender will result in a framework agree ....
Framework for the Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials
Buyer : Stirling Council
Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials, Sand, Gravel, Fill and Topsoil.
Buyer : DfT
The Department for Regional Development (TransportNI), the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Rivers Agency and Forest Service), the Department for Culture Arts and Leisure (Fisheries) wishes to invite tenders from competent suppliers f ....
The supply, haul and laying of quarry materials 2014.
Buyer : The Highland Council
Contractors are invited to submit bids for the supply, haulage and laying of quarry materials. Contractors may submit Tenders for any or all Schedules/Lots they would like to bid for.This framework agreement does not guarantee work during the life of ....
Supply and Delivery of Quarry Materials
Buyer : dounreay site restoration limited (dsrl)
DSRL is running a Reserved Procurement under PPN 11/20 to establish a £90k call-off Contract for the supply and delivery of quarry materials. This procurement is reserved to companies based in the county of Caithness. Please login to the Atamis supp ....
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