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C281898 - Royal South Hants Hospital NRCDC & Decant Works
LUV01119 - The provision of RCD and RCBO Testing at the University of Leicester
Buyer : the university of leicester
The University's invites contactors to tender for RCD and RCBO testing to be carried out 6 monthly at the University of Leicester. The contract is for 3 years from 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2026 with an option to extend for a further 24 months to 31 J ....
RM6068 CES0148 RCDS (Royal College of Defence Studies) IT Refresh
Buyer : ministry of defence
RCDS is a part of the Defence Academy (DefAc) with its own corporate IT infrastructure and delivery requirements. RCDS underwent an Enhanced Security Environment (ESE) audit and wider IT health check in November 2020. The ESE review found several are ....
CSHRCD - The Shrubberies to Forest Green (PA)
Buyer : gloucestershire county council
Home to School Transport.r SEN.
RCD-CLAR2022 - Development of Rathowen Village Park
Buyer : Rathowen Community Development Ltd
Rathowen Community Development are seeking to undertake enhancement works at the local Village Park in Rathowen as part of the Clar scheme with Westmeath County Council.Works include: Resurfacing of existing walking track, erecting an open outdoor re ....
T0352 TRCD3057 OZEV Rapid Charging Fund Application Process Analytical Framework ....
Buyer : highways england
The Department for Transport and the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) (Client) are looking to put in place an overarching agreement to cover the following list of topics contained under Lot1 with an initial commitment for economics, statistics ....
T0294 TRCD3056 Technical Support for Project Rapid
Buyer : highways england
The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) seeks advice and support with the development of the policy and forward activity for the Rapid Charging Fund (RCF): -The overarching objective of this requirement is to provide technical advice and build a ....
Python Developers to Support the Autonomous Resilient Cyber Defence (ARCD) Proje ....
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
Contract was tendered via the DOS5 framework and has been awarded.
Corporate legal support for RCDTS
Buyer : h m revenue & customs
The Authority is seeking to procure corporate legal advice for RCDTS Ltd, a government company controlled by HMRC and which provides IT services to HMRC.
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