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Buyer : NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
The NHS secondary health care provider for emergency, secondary care, acute and community services in Rotherham.
RFT 20/21 - Energy Retrofit Works, New Biomass Heat Centre and associated Sitewo ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Works are divided into four separate sections as follows;1. Rooftop Retrofit Works Deep retrofit of a 1,200sq.m rooftop extension to the main educational building on the Letterkenny Campus. The extension is a light weight steel structure constructed ....
RFT 2021/22 - Limerick College of Further Education Main Entrance & Reception Ar ....
Buyer : Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
The works involve Works will involve the demolitions, alteration, replacement of existing internal joinery, floor finishes, fittings and redecoration. The works will be carried out within the Existing Building and will involve working out of hours to ....
LEE678C - UCD - RFT 2 (Two) Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Systems
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenders are sought for the supply delivery, installation of 2 (Two) Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Systems for the Conway Institute, UCD. The overall goal of this tender is to increase sample throughput both for clinical and basic research samples. Thi ....
RFT 21.2019 - Air Conditioning Maintenance contract
Buyer : Dublin Bus / Bus Atha Cliath
Dublin Bus requires a suitably qualified party to service, maintain, repair, monitor and respond to all call outs in relation to Air Conditioning systems. SpecificationThe successful tenderer will be primarily responsible for the general maintenance ....
RFT 20.2019 - Auditing of Vehicles and Vehicle Maintenance Systems & Procedures
Buyer : Dublin Bus / Bus Atha Cliath
Dublin Bus is seeking submissions from suitably qualified contractors to provide auditing services for its vehicles and vehicle maintenance systems and procedures. This will be a three year contract, it may be extended for a period of one year with a ....
RFT 2019/56 - Provision of Stationery & Office Supplies for LCETB
Buyer : Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Stationary and office supplies that comprise items under various categories including but not limited to adhesives, notepads, office stationery, filling and storage, labels, pens, office equipment, envelopes, and desktop accessories. This contract wa ....
RFT 2019/53 - Catering Concession for Coláiste Íde agus Iósaef, Abbeyfeale, C ....
Buyer : Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Coláiste Ide agus Iosef are seeking tenders for the preparation and supply of School Meals. Companies will be required to outline their proposed methodology on the operation of the service on a typical school day based on the following arrangements ....
RFT 26.2019 - Media Skills Training
Buyer : Dublin Bus / Bus Atha Cliath
Dublin Bus wish to acquire an agency to provide training and consultancy services in:•Media skills•Presentation skills •Communications training•Issue and reputation advice and management In addition also provide one -on-one media training, pr ....
Buyer : Dublin Bus / Bus Atha Cliath
Dublin Bus require a supplier of De-cals for their fleet of 1000 Double Deck Buses.The contract will be a single party framework agreement will run for three years with an option to extend for two further periods of twelve months.
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