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Call Off from Crown Commercial Service's (CCS) Technology Products and Associate ....
Buyer : University of Strathclyde
The University has awarded a contract for Dell 2-in-1 Laptops (UOS-26813-2023). This was conducted through a simplified mini-competition (price-only) on the Framework for Technology Products & Associated Services - Reference RM6068, Lot 2: Hardware a ....
Framework RM6068 relation to a requirement for Lot 3 (Software and Associated Se ....
Buyer : historic england
CALL-OFF DELIVERABLES The provision of ServiceNow Software Licenses. LOCATION FOR DELIVERY The Engine House, Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire. SN2 2EH DATES FOR DELIVERY OF THE DELIVERABLES To be ready for use from 18th September 2023 TESTING OF D ....
Further Competition CCS RM6068 Technology Products & Associated Services - Lot 3 ....
Buyer : north lincolnshire council
North Lincolnshire Council is conducting a further competition under Lot 3 of RM6068 for Salesforce Licensing arrangements for a 3 year contract term, the licensing is as outlined in the tender documentation.
RoS - CCS Technology Products and Associated Services (RM6068) Lot 2:H&AS - Fore ....
Buyer : Registers of Scotland
Purchase of support and maintenance for Forescout appliances.
DR Firewall Through Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6068 - AWARD
Buyer : in-tend e-tendering
DR Firewall Through Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6068
2223-0373 Further Competition Laptop Refresh-CCS (RM6068) Lot 1: Hardware & Soft ....
Buyer : islington council
The council has an existing lease contract for its corporate laptops which expires 30th August 2023. The new contract will provide continued technology support for staff and enable continued access to the council's digital systems. It is necessary to ....
IMPEX Hardware
ICO Meeting Room Kit Upgrades - CCS RM6068 - Lot 1
Buyer : information commissioners office
Meeting room kit and technology for install with a wrap around service package for two years. competed via further competition under Crown Commercial Service RM6068 Technology Products and Associated Services, Lot 1 Hardware & Software & Associated S ....
Tewkesbury Borough Council are inviting suppliers named on the CCS RM6068 Framework - Lot 2 to a further competition. Suppliers that would like to take part in this process are invited to 'Express Interest' upon which will they will be given access t ....
RM6068 Lot 3 Call Off Adobe Licences
Buyer : ministry of defence
This notice is for the purposes of transparency only, expressions of interest are not required. This notice publishes the redacted contract document following award of a call off contract against Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6068 Lot 3 follo ....
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