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Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is seeking to engage a supplier to produce and supply specified Poultry Rate Cards on a regular basis to reflect the market value of breeding, laying and meat production birds at various stages in their lifecycle ....
Production and Supply of Poultry Rate Cards for APHA
Buyer : london borough of hackney
The council wishes to appoint a supplier for the provision of Corporate card payment solution. The P-Cards will be issued and managed by the officers across the Council to buy goods and services within a strictly regulated and audited framework using ....
Provision of Poultry Valuation Rate Cards
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
RMP 6384 Provision of Poultry Valuation tables and the provision of specific advice on valuation and related issues to the UK Government with regards to poultry
Commercials for Rate Cards covering Network Infrastructure at London Heathrow.
Buyer : Sita
SITA is releasing this "Rapid" request for proposal (RFP) for London Heathrow approved resources and require commercials for rate cards covering Network infrastructure at London Heathrow as a Site. Service on behalf of SITA The Service Prov ....
(‘Soft market test’) For the provision Purchasing and Corporate cards
Buyer : National Grid
National Grid UK Ltd wishes to engage with interested parties and undertake a soft market test exercise(‘soft market test’) relating to the provision of purchasing and corporate cards to National grid employees.
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