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Grounds & Park Re-instatement (After Events)
Buyer : Brighton & Hove City Council
Brighton and Hove City parks are a key resource for residents and central to the city plan in terms of quality of life, healthy lifestyles and supporting biodiversity. The city also boasts an impressive programme of outdoor events that relies heavily ....
Highways Coring and Testing of Utilities Re-instatements (2024)
Buyer : West Sussex County Council
Coring and testing of utilities re-instatements on West Sussex highways.
Closed Landfill - Monitoring + Borehole Re-instatement
Buyer : environment agency
This contact relates to a closed landfill site. The agreed monitoring schedule needs to be reinstated bring the site back into compliance with the site permit.
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue requires a suitable supplier to conduct valuation of its property portfolio (21 properties) in accordance with RICS - Valuation Global Standards 2021, effective 31st January 2022 (the "Red Book") to include the Interna ....
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire - OPCC Garden Re-instatement Wor ....
Buyer : hampshire county council
Returfing of area utilised for a marquee in the grounds to the rear of Victoria House on the Netley Support HQ Hamble Lane Hamble Hampshire
BSH/HRA/ 76 Victoria Street - Re-instatement of works tenanted property followin ....
Buyer : bristol city council
Re-instating works to a BCC tenanted building that was damaged by flooding following a burst water mane on Victoria Street. The cost of work will be claimed via insurance.
West End Car Park - Re-instatement works for Tiger Play
Buyer : Bristol City Council
Reinstatement works
Property Re-Instatement Survey
Buyer : Canterbury City Council
For the undertaking of a Property Reinstatement Survey
Removal of temporary buildings and car park re-instatement works at Lancaster Ca ....
Buyer : University of Cumbria
We are removing three temporary buildings from our Lancaster campus and making good the car parking and areas adjacent. The first of these involves the removal of the old Nursery building (off Coulston Road) and making good the adjacent areas of car ....
HP Quality Centre Licence support re-instatement
Buyer : Health and Social Care Information Centre
Reinstatement of HP QC Support and purchase of 12 months
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