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NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB sought expressions of interest for the provision of a Discharge to Assess: Reablement and Recovery Pathway in Care Homes within Central Norfolk.NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB sought to commission 6 beds in a suitable Care Hom ....
This is a Prior Information Notice is to inform the market of opportunities for delivery of Reablement Services in South Gloucestershire. In order to qualify for theses opportunities Providers will need to apply for, or had previously been successful ....
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB sought expressions of interest for the provision of a Discharge to Assess: Reablement and Recovery Pathway in Care Homes within Central Norfolk.NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB sought to commission 28 beds in suitable Care Home ....
Reablement Service (Intermediate Care - Pathway 1) in Somerset
PRIOR INFORMATION NOTICE This is not a call for competition and is not yet a contract opportunity. The current contracts for Reablement Service (Intermediate Care - Pathway 1) in Somerset expire at the end of August 2025 and we have a commissioning p ....
Prior Information Notice for Reablement Services in South Gloucestershire
Buyer : South Gloucestershire Council
This is a Prior Information Notice is to inform the market of opportunities for delivery of Reablement Services in South Gloucestershire. In order to qualify for theses opportunities Providers will need to apply for, or had previously been successful ....
NHS Devon is intending to award a contract for 10 Pathway 2 block booked beds for a 12 month contract at a cost of £1,000 per bed per week. Pathway 2 Definition: Likely to be maximum of 4% of people discharged from the acute hospital: the main aim i ....
The commission of a Reablement Service which supports the rehabilitation of physical health of individuals.The model for the service is an in-house Therapy and Technology Enabled Care led service working jointly with health, social care and domicilia ....
The service supports significant numbers of discharges each week-20 at minimum which means people are more likely to go home when they are medically fit to do so and there will then be limited delayed hospital stays which will reduce costs and negati ....
Provision of Care and Support at Home - Short Term Reablement Services in Somers ....
Buyer : Somerset Council
Provision of Care and Support at Home - Short Term Reablement Services in Somerset
Buyer : Vale of Glamorgan Council
The Integrated Care Fund for older people has allocated funds to the Vale of Glamorgan Council to establish and develop a pilot project to review and make recommendations on whether there are opportunities for improved outcomes for service users, imp ....
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