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Buyer : National Army Museum
On 1st July 2025 the NAM will open a temporary exhibition entitled "Myth & Reality: Military Art in the Age of Queen Victoria". The exhibition examines the role of military art in disseminating information to the public and influencing ....
Cambridgeshire Virtual School currently delivers training to schools and other services working with children in care, to improve educational outcomes for all Cambridgeshire children who have or have had a social worker. As part of this training ther ....
Reality Emulator Sub Systems x 5 Tenders
Buyer : University of Bristol
Provision of CNC Equipment Lot 1 - Router,Lathes, Mills & Plasma Cutter, Lot 2 - ....
Buyer : West Highland College UHI
Speculative Notice in relation to Virtual Reality Wood Training table
Buyer : University of Wales Trinity Saint David
The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (hereinafter referred to as the University, or UWTSD) wish to confirm their future planned procurements by publishing a Speculative Notice in relation to a Virtual Reality Wood Training table, which will be ....
Speculative Notice in relation to Virtual Reality Paint Spraying Simulator train ....
Buyer : University of Wales Trinity Saint David
The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (hereinafter referred to as the University, or UWTSD) wish to confirm their future planned procurements by publishing a Speculative Notice in relation to a Virtual Reality Paint Spraying Simulator training ....
Augmented Reality Assisted Surgical Reachback for the Defence Medical Services
Buyer : Unknown
Software package and information systems. Industry specific software package. Medical software package. Medical information systems. The Authority is seeking to procure a digital platform that enables real-time telemedicine support to deployed surgic ....
Cambridgeshire County Council CORE Project Augmented Reality Visitor Experience
Buyer : Cambridgeshire County Council
Cambridgeshire County Council (the Authority), as part of the CORE project, require a bespoke venue specific Augmented Reality (AR) experience to be delivered and deployed at the Cambridge Corn Exchange that will run over the 5G Open RAN network that ....
Virtual Reality Training Scenarios.
Tenders are invited for the provision of a new augmented reality reconstruction of St Mary's Abbey in Kenilworth to promote Kenilworth as a visitor destination, with the aim of providing a compelling new reason for people to come to Kenilworth. Kenil ....
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