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CWC19115 Partnership arrangement to deliver Public Health Services
Buyer : Wolverhampton City Council
Tender for the provision of Business Support to the Early Years, Childcare and Play Sectors in Merthyr Tydfil Tendr ar gyfer darparu Cymorth Busnes i'r Sectorau Blynyddoedd Cynnar, Gofal Plant a Chwarae ym Merthyr Tudful
NHS2111-Help to Wellbeing 24-25
Buyer : Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of wellbeing coaching sessions that offer professional guidance to individuals.
Early Years Childcare Provision in Broxtowe Family Hub
Buyer : Nottingham City Council
This is for information only and not a call for tender submissions. This is a notice to alert the market that Nottingham City Council is preparing a Concession Contract Opportunity for Early Years Childcare Provision at it's family hub centre in 18 S ....
Early Years Childcare Provision at Broxtowe Family Hub
Buyer : Nottingham City Council
Delivery of Childcare Services via a Concession Contract at the Council's family hub centre in 18 Strelley Road, Nottingham, NG8 3AP. The Supplier will not receive any income from the Council. The Supplier will have the opportunity to generate income ....
This contract is to deliver training to a minimum of 1,000 early years (EY) Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) resulting in an accredited Level 3 EY SENCO qualification. The training will be for SENCOs working in group-based and childmin ....
NP30119 Homecare Delivery of Blood Clotting Factors
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
This notice is a zero value PIN notice to initiate pre-market engagement. It is for information only and is not a call for competition. This PIN is intended to inform the market of an opportunity to help shape future delivery ahead of a potential pro ....
To deliver a Specialist Early Years setting in Tidworth, to improve the individu ....
Buyer : Wiltshire Council
Specialist Early Years Provision - Tidworth Market Engagement Event Wiltshire Council are seeking a provider to deliver a Specialist Early Years setting in Tidworth, to improve the individual development, learning and wellbeing of children aged 0-5 y ....
The Royal Air Force are seeking a supplier to deliver high quality, flexible and affordable 0-5 early years provision and wrap around childcare and holiday delivery for 4 - 11 years for service families at the following RAF stations: RAF Wittering, R ....
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