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This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) by way of an Early Market Engagement scoping for the NHSCT to ascertain potential current capacity and potential future capacity in the market for the provision of a bespoke single occupancy Learning Disabilit ....
Background Crawley Borough Council (CBC) currently operates a small gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) district heating network in the town centre (Phase One), serving both office and residential buildings. Building on previous feasibility work, ....
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of an Instrumented ....
Buyer : Queen's University Belfast
Queen’s University of Belfast wishes to procure an Instrumented Drop Weight Impact Tester, to measure impact strength of polymer and composite materials and the damage resistance of composite materials
TrawsCymru T4 Bus Operator Services
Buyer : Transport for Wales
TrawsCymru T4 Route Bus Operator Services for Transport for Wales. Please refer to the Statement of Requirements for full description of the services.
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Consumables, Commissioning and Maintenance of a ....
Buyer : Queen's University Belfast
Queen’s University of Belfast wishes to procure a Dual Capillary Rheometer, to measure material flow properties under elevated temperature as a function of shear rate of polymer and composite materials. For a comprehensive description of the re ....
Important Update for Wiltshire Home Care Flexible Framework As the Wiltshire Home Care Flexible Framework will be recommissioned from 31 March 2026, we will now be opening and closing ongoing rounds in exceptional circumstances. We will not be settin ....
Framework for nursery, primary and secondary school food service
Buyer : Southwark Council
Southwark Council intends to undertake a procurement exercise to implement a catering services framework for nursery, primary and secondary schools within the London Borough of Southwark. The aims of the framework include: •Continued improvement ....
supply of civils materials (Lot 1) and hand tools (Lot 2) for highways maintenan ....
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Withdrawal - Library Services in Suffolk
Buyer : Suffolk County Council
This notice is to confirm that Suffolk County Council has taken the decision to withdraw the Library Services in Suffolk tender and not award a contract for which there has been a call for competition. The procurement process did not result in a succ ....
Purchase of Auto Trawl Control System
Buyer : Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has a requirement to place a contract with an external service provider for the provision of Auto Trawl Control System. The purchase of the new system will replace an existing system which will require to be swapped out.
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