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North Lanarkshire Council wish to seek a competent Contractor for the provision of a Measured Term Ccontract for Solar PV Panels and Renewable Technologies, throughout the geographical area of North Lanarkshire Council.
North Lanarkshire Council wish to seek a competent Contractor for the provision of a Measured Term Ccontract for Solar PV Panels and Renewable Technologies, throughout the geographical area of North Lanarkshire Council.
Servicing and Maintenance of Renewable Technologies and Ventilation Systems
Servicing and Maintenance of Renewable Technologies and Ventilation Systems
Skills Bootcamp for Renewable Technologies
Buyer : buckinghamshire council
Skills Bootcamp
Solar Battery Storage Renewable Technologies, for Solar Panels already in place at The Warren Main Office. Battery's and Install service.
Future Technology Improvements for Renewable Technologies- Solar PV
Buyer : Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has identified the need for improved long-term risk management of the load factor (LF) assumptions. The project will facilitate better understanding of technology learning rates in se ....
Future Technology Improvements for Renewable Technologies- OSW
Buyer : Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has identified the need for improved long-term risk management of the load factor (LF) assumptions used in its modelling. The project will facilitate better understanding of LF techno ....
Responsive Repair and Cyclical Maintenance of Renewable Technologies.
Buyer : Radian Group
This contract is to cover the responsive repairs and cyclical maintenance of Radians Microgeneration systems and mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR) systems.
MTC for Solar PV and Renewable Technologies
Buyer : North Lanarkshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council wish to seek a competent Contractor for the provision of a Measured Term Contract for Solar PV Panels and Renewable Technologies, throughout the geographical area of North Lanarkshire Council.
Installation of Renewable Technologies Framework
Buyer : Oxford City Council
This framework is for the installation of Renewable technologies to Oxford City Council owned properties.
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