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Provision of a Primary Research Provider for DfT
Buyer : crown commercial service
The Buyer's Areas of Research Interest 2021 describes the research priorities and evidence requirements of the Buyer's policy teams over the medium-long term. The Social and Behavioural Research team (SBR) within the Buyer's organisation undertakes c ....
LHP262 Customer Research Provider
Buyer : lincolnshire housing partnership
LHP is seeking a Service Provider with proven experience of interviewing social housing residents to provide customer research services over a period of two years. The Service Provider will be required to deliver a flexible customer research programm ....
LHP262 Customer Research Provider
Buyer : Lincolnshire Housing Partnership Limited
LHP is seeking a Service Provider with proven experience of interviewing social housing residents to provide customer research services over a period of two years. The Service Provider will be required to deliver a flexible customer research programm ....
External Evaluation and Research provider for the Out of Programme Pause Initiat ....
Buyer : Health Education England
An evaluation partner is required to rigorously record, measure, explore and evaluate the outcomes of the initial phase of the OOP-P initiative in four HEE local areas; East Midlands, North East, NCEL (London) and Wessex, across a spectrum of differe ....
Environmental, social and governance data and research provider.
The Board is seeking to procure the services of an environmental, social and governance (ESG) data and research provider for the Fund's assets. The chosen candidate must be global in reach, i.e. cover all public equity and fixed income benchmarks (so ....
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