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The Provision of Laundry Services for Riverside Student Accommodation
Buyer : City of Glasgow College
City of Glasgow College requires a supplier to provide hire, collection, wash and return of laundry services for our Riverside Student Accommodation. This service is required all year round.
Waterfront and Riverside Car Park Equipment
Buyer : Stafford Borough Council
The Waterfront and Riverside car parks are both equipped with an amount of technical equipment that will no longer be supported by the incumbent supplier after March 2025. Stafford Borough Council is seeking to have the equipment by replacing with ne ....
Main Contractor for the design and construction of flood defence, civils, landscaping, and drainage works at Foreshore areas 0 & 1 at Barking Riverside. The scheme primarily comprises the raising and formation of the flood defence to the developm ....
Site to be made 'shovel ready' for construction works, which will involve the demolition of the existing infrastructure on the site and backfilling the site with crushed aggregates to provide levels and natural drainage. There is the construction of ....
Flying Start Placement Scheme - Riverside
Buyer : Cardiff Council
The Flying Start Programme requires provision of a part-time childcare place for all 2–3-year-old children residing in Flying Start catchments. The Service to be provided is the delivery of childcare places (defined as up to 5 x 2.5 hours of childc ....
Riverside Community Health Project
Riverside Museum Outdoor Catering
Buyer : Glasgow Life (Culture & Sport Glasgow)
Please see Briefing Note attached. As part of this market research exercise The Company request any interested providers to Note Interest in this PIN and submit a short description as to the offering they could provide to lauren.kinnear@glasgowlife.o ....
Newtown Riverside Venue – New 2 storey community building
Buyer : going green for a living community
Open Newtown is seeking tender proposals from main contractors for the construction of a new two storey community building with associated changing facilities and landscaping in Newtown, Powys - Mid Wales (to include demolition and removal of the exi ....
Development of Riverside Travellers Site, Queensferry - re tender
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
1..Ground clearance to start by removing all existing build-up of waste collated and thrown over fencing.Waste to be disposed of separately.2..Steel fencing and gates to be installed on the site as opposed to the current installation of concretekickp ....
Development of Riverside Travellers Site, Queensferry.
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
Development of Riverside Travellers Site, Queensferry.1.Groundworks are to be undertaken to extend the back of all current pitches by approximately 3 meters. The extended area will then consist of a kerb border, incorporate a hard-core base with memb ....
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