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Supply and install a 500KJ temporary rockfall barrier above the A82 at Primrose ....
Buyer : Forestry Commission `
We will be awarding a contract to supply and install a 500KJ temporary rockfall barrier above the A82 at Primrose Bay Loch Ness.The rockfall barrier is being installed to provide protection to the A82 during skyline timber harvesting operations which ....
NCC065 - Installation of Rockfall Protection Fence at Craster Car Park
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
The Contracting Authority is looking to appoint a Contractor to install a rockfall protection fence to reduce the risk of falling blocks entering the village of Craster in Northumberland main parking area. Further details of the Contracting Authority ....
Supply and install a 500 kJ temporary rockfall barrier above the A82 at Primrose ....
Buyer : Forestry Commission England
We will be awarding a contract to supply and install a 500 KJ temporary rockfall barrier above the A82 at Primrose Bay Loch NessThe rockfall barrier is being installed to provide protection to the A82 during skyline timber harvesting operations which ....
St Helena Rockfall Protection Assessment and Report
Buyer : Saint Helena Government
Specification for rockfall assessment (St Helena) Consultant Engineer’s are sought to produce a report on rockfall protection for the Saint Helena Government. The report should elaborate on the alternative methods of rockfall protection options ava ....
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