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Directional Laser System - Saturn 5 Active OlympusIX3 40x, Desktop PC & 23" flat screen monitor. We regret that we are unable to advise suppliers if their quotation has been unsuccessful. The Trust will award successful quotations via the Multiquote ....
Buyer : highways england company limited
maintenance and support, of the SATURN traffic assignment modelling software suite
Buyer : North East Lincolnshire Council
Following on from the recent work undertaken by Pell Frischmann on the creation of a Strategic Outline Business Case and Appraisal Specification Report (ASR) there is an opportunity to partially construct the SATURN model required for the 'Economic C ....
UK Asset Resolution Ltd (UKAR) is nearing completion of its objective of returning the UK taxpayers' investment in NRAM Ltd (NRAM) and Bradford and Bingley plc (B&B) to the private sector. One option is to sell the NRAM and B&B legal entities, leavin ....
Buyer : UK Asset Resolution Ltd (UKAR)
UKAR has established a single supplier contract to outsource all aspects of the running of its remaining business, with the exception of board and company secretarial functions.
Additional Technical Tasking for the Saturn Programme.
Helicopters, aeroplanes, spacecraft and other powered aircraft. 2 year extension to existing contract for the provision of technical support to the Saturn Programme.
Mobile Network Data for SATURN Model
Buyer : North East Lincolnshire Council
ENGIE Services Ltd on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council is seeking to identify a suitably qualified supplier of Mobile Network Data to provide data on Origin/Destination movements. The data will be used to inform a new SATURN model in accorda ....
Pre Market Consulation Saturn Model
Buyer : North East Lincolnshire Council
The Authority is conducting a preliminary market consultation (PMC) to seek the opinions of experienced consultants on modern methods of data collection and modelling practices with regards to SATURN. This will enable us to better define our specific ....
Buyer : UK Asset Resolution Ltd (UKAR)
UK Asset Resolution Ltd (UKAR) is nearing completion of its objective of returning the UK taxpayers’ investment in NRAM Ltd (NRAM) and Bradford and Bingley plc (B&B) to the private sector. One option is to sell the NRAM and B&B legal entities, leav ....
UK Asset Resolution Limited (UKAR) is nearing completion of its objective of returning the UK taxpayers' investment in NRAM Ltd (NRAM) and Bradford & Bingley plc (B&B) to the private sector. One option is to sell the NRAM and B&B legal entities, leav ....
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