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Norfolk Coroner post mortem CT Scanning service
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Following previous engagement on a CT scanning solution for post mortems for the Norfolk Coroner, we are developing the service specification and would like to engage once more with the market to invite interested bidders to a meeting to hear more ab ....
Outsourced cardiac MRI scanning services
Buyer : East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
2gether Support Solutions, on behalf of East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (the "Trust"), is looking to award a contract under the Most Suitable Provider process of the Provider Selection Regime ("PSR"), i.e., able to identify the mo ....
Requirement for and EDRMS soultion and scanning Service
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
The requirement is for a fully inclusive Electronic Document Records Management System (EDRMS) to be used throughout Cwm Taf University Health Board (CTUHB)with a scanning service for up to 200,000 patient records.
Provision of vulnerability scanning services for the University's cloud and on-premises servers and infrastructure
This will include Inbound Document Management, Outbound Document Management, Physical Storage of Documents as well as support with Surge Events.
Buyer : Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
A comprehensive, high quality CT and MRI scanning service to include reporting, storage and inspection of each test. A report for each test shall be delivered to the CMAS team referrer within a maximum of 3 weeks from the date of referral. A written ....
Buyer : London Borough of Enfield
Invoice Scanning Service
Buyer : Home Office
The award of a contract for the delivery of Scanning Services for the Home Office's Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP). The supplier will deliver secure scanning services for the duration of 1 year. The contract value ....
Scanning Service
Buyer : the queen elizabeth hospital kings lynn nhs foundation trust
Payroll Record Scanning Services
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