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Schools Buying Group (SBG) — Office and Educational Supplies
Buyer : Ltd
To create a multi supplier framework for the suppliy of office and educational supplies to 2buy2 Buying Group Members, including Schools, Charities and other members who are required to purchase through a compliant procurement route.Lot 1: Office Sup ....
Schools Buying Group (SBG) - Office and Educational Supplies
Buyer : 2buy2
To create a multi supplier framework for the suppliy of office and educational supplies to 2buy2 Buying Group Members, including Schools, Charities and other members who are required to purchase through a compliant procurement route. Lot 1 - Office S ....
Schools Buying Group (SBG) — Office and Educational Supplies.
Buyer : Ltd
To create a multi supplier framework for the supply of office and educational supplies to 2buy2 Buying Group Members, including Schools, Charities and other members who are required to purchase through a compliant procurement route.Lot 1 — Office S ....
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