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Buyer : TUCO Ltd
The purpose of this contract is for the supply and distribution of fresh fish and seafood to members and clients of TUCO (Universities, Colleges and the wider Public Sector).The scope of products to be covered in the framework are as follows but not ....
Design and Build Bespoke Seafood Display Tanks
Buyer : Câr-Y-Môr
Car-y-Mor are a community benefit society based in St Davids, Pembrokeshire. We are expanding rapidly and are looking for quotes for a bespoke saltwater seafood display tank for both educational and commercial purposes. Tank should be able to hold a ....
The purpose of this Invitation to Tender (ITT) is to appoint a single supplier to deliver stand design, build (construction) and dismantling at Seafood Expo Global 2025 as set out below, to Scottish Enterprise.
The City of Liverpool College - The Provision of Fresh Fish & Seafoods - AWA ....
Buyer : The City of Liverpool College
The City of Liverpool College are going out to tender for a 33 month contract (with the option to extend for 2 x 1 extra years) for the supply and delivery of Fresh Fish & Seafoods via TUCO Fresh Fish & Seafood Framework - Ref: CAT 11059-TU - ....
Assessing the impact of non-tariff measures on specific UK exports of agri-goods ....
Buyer : defra
Aims This project aims to provide, where possible, granular quantitative estimates of the costs of compliance with EU NTMs for GB and NI exporters via a comprehensive review of trade processes in the agri-goods, fish and seafood sectors. It will incl ....
The Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) is funded through UK official development assistance as part of the UKs Blue Planet Fund. It strengthens marine science expertise, develops science-based policy and management tools, and creates educatio ....
2023-07 - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Seafood Qualit ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
To provide an understanding of best-in-class technical and commercial opportunities to optimise Irish Demersal quality by identifying best practice onboard handling and cold chain management practices for defined Demersal species, to include megrim w ....
This was awarded by DEFRA.
COD/SSISS/11/22 - ITT for Support Services for Insight in Seafood Sector
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
Invitation to Tender for Support Services for Insight in Seafood Sector
Seafood Expo Global (SEG) 2024 - Stand Design & Build
Buyer : Scottish Enterprise
The purpose of this ITT is to appoint a single supplier to deliver stand design, build and dismantling of the Scottish Pavilion at the Seafood Expo Global 2024 exhibition, as set out in the Invitation to Tender, to Scottish Enterprise.
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