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Provision of Cleaning and Debris Removal for Grooved Rail Sections in Urban Tram ....
Buyer : West Midlands Combined Authority
West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) are looking to complete a Pre-Market Engagement (PME) on behalf of Midland Metro Limited (MML) to gather information to support the development of their Specification and/or Procurement Strategy for the Provisi ....
7811 - Qualification System for the Supply of Various Steel Sections & Plates
Buyer : Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
This is a call to competition by IE for the establishment of a Qualification System for the ad-hoc supply of Various Steel Sections & Plates to IE stations and depots nationwide.
DSIT 014 - HSE RFQ - Flanged Pipe Sections for Dynamic Ignited Overpressure Expe ....
Buyer : health & safety executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN Flanged Pipe Sections for Dynamic Ignited Overpressure Experi ....
Barbican Estates - Repairs to walls and various sections of the plaza brickwork
Buyer : city of london corporation
To repair 2No. weirs and substrate walls + the repair of various sections of the plaza brickwork.
Installation of Qty 3 Standard Design Steam Dirt Pocket Tee sections (Ref B Area ....
Buyer : ministry of defence
Installation of Qty 3 Standard Design Steam Dirt Pocket Tee sections (Ref B Area).
Award of End taper and bag sections for pelagic sampling trawls - MS-P-0085
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites bids to provide new end taper and bag netting sections for 3 pelagic sampling trawls
HS2 EKJV Sections C2 C3 Noise, Vibration & Air Quality Equipment/ Consultancy
Buyer : eiffage kier jv hs2 main civils works, lots c2 & c3
The provision of noise, vibration and air quality support compliant with the HS2 Environmental Minimum Requirements and relevant HS2 Technical Standards including Construction Noise and Vibration Predictions/Modelling, Dust Risk Assessments, Air Qual ....
HS2 EKJV Sections C2 C3 Vegetation Clearance
Buyer : eiffage kier jv hs2 main civils works, lots c2 & c3
Eiffagekier are seeking expressions of interest for various size packages of vegetation clearance (woodland, hedgerows, scrub and individual trees) along the our HS2 main works civils route from Great Missenden to Southam. The size and delivery strat ....
A465 Sections 5&6 Additional Site Investigation
Buyer : future valleys
Additional Site Investigation Package for the A465 scheme.
A465 Heads of the Valleys Dualling Abergavenny – Hirwaun – Sections 5 & 6
Buyer : Welsh Government
Works, Restricted Services and Services.
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