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NCC1061 - Craster Public Toilet Sewage Works
Buyer : northumberland county council
This is a re-tender for upgrading the existing sewage system at Craster public toilets and tourist information centre and connecting into the existing Northumbrian Water Network. The design has been subject to a full review by independent consultants ....
Servicing and Maintenance of 2no Aeration Sewage Works and 1no Pumping Station a ....
Bolsover District Council invites a quotation in respect of appointing a contractor to Service and Maintain 2no Aeration Units and 1no Pump Station at Pleasley Vale Business Park, Outgang Lane, Pleasley, Mansfield NG19 8RL
DPS- Údarás na Gaeltachta - Dynamic Purchasing System for refurbishment, roofi ....
Buyer : Udaras Na Gaeltachta
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Candidates”) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of contractors for various refurbishment works in 7 specified categories to Údarás ....
Servicing and Maintenance of 2no Aeration Sewage Works and 1no Pumping Station a ....
Buyer : NOE-CPC
Servicing and Maintenance of 2no Aeration Sewage Works and 1no Pumping Station at Pleasley Vale Business Park Bolsover District Council invites a quotation in respect of appointing a contractor to Service and Maintain 2no Aeration Units and 1no Pump ....
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