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Removal of Shrubs and stumps from Oil storage Depot, Garelochhead Bund
Buyer : Oil and Pipelines Agency
OPA have identified a requirement to carry out shrub/growth removal from the external side of the bund wall and stump removal from various areas of the internal bund wall
The Council is seeking expressions of interest from suppliers who are able to supply a variety of trees, including semi-mature trees, and shrubs. There is a potential that ongoing maintenance may be included on an ad-hoc basis.
Supply & Delivery of Trees, Shrubs, Ancillary Materials & Fencing Materi ....
Buyer : Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
This is a re-advertisement of a previous opportunity which was cancelled on 10 July 2024 Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is undertaking a procurement process to provide the Council with the supply and delivery of trees, shrubs, ancillary materia ....
Supply & Delivery of Trees, Shrubs, Ancillary Materials & Fencing Materials
Buyer : redcar & cleveland borough council
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is undertaking a procurement process to provide the Council with the supply and delivery of trees, shrubs, ancillary materials and fencing materials to support the creation of Micro Woodlands and Community Orchard ....
The Council is seeking expressions of interest from suppliers who are able to supply a variety of trees, including semi-mature trees, and shrubs. There is a potential that ongoing maintenance may be included on an ad-hoc basis.
Framework for the Supply of Trees and Shrubs
Buyer : Midlothian Council
Midlothian council are creating a framework for the supply of trees, shrubs and horticultural sundries. The contract length will be 3 years with an option to extend by one year. 4 suppliers will be added to the framework with flexibility in terms of ....
Framework for the Supply of Trees and Shrubs
Buyer : Midlothian Council
Midlothian council are creating a framework for 4 suppliers for the supply of trees and shrubs
The Council is seeking expressions of interest from suppliers who are able to supply a variety of trees, including semi-mature trees, and shrubs. There is a potential that ongoing maintenance may be included on an ad-hoc basis.
PB2021-00554 - Supply of Shrubs and Planting
Buyer : darlington borough council
Supply of shrubs and planting in accordance with the approved landscaping plans for the West Cemetery Development.
Framework contract for the supply of trees, shrubs and other planting materials
Buyer : doncaster mbc
For the supply of trees (including transplants and advanced nursery stock), shrubs (including climbers, herbaceous and roses), annual bedding plants, plug plants and bulbs
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