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Valuation Officers (VOs) at the VOA are responsible for the compilation and maintenance of Local Rating Lists for each Local or Billing Authority in England and Wales. (Billing Authorities then charge rates based upon these rateable values.) Some rat ....
Supply & Install Silo roof for NBIF's soil storage silos
ESC-L2-TO314A Combined EPA (DMF & Silos)
Buyer : nuclear waste services
Data management forms to be populated with the outcome of the EPA work and extension of Silo EPA to include dedicated graphite-only silo
Supply, Delivery and Installation of 4 Silos
Buyer : glass futures ltd
Supply, delivery and installation of 4 Silos. Includes provision of - design calculations and manufacturing drawings, anchor fixings and installation on site in St Helens.
Lead Consultant - Clearance of two silos plus warehouse, Ipswich Waterfront - AW ....
Buyer : Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Borough Council intend on re-developing the Burtons Warehouse, Burtons Silo and Pauls Silo buildings on the Waterfront in Ipswich. The redevelopment project will include for a mix of residential and commercial and needs to start in the Spring ....
ITT35 - Automation of Storage Silos
Buyer : Volac International Ltd
Volac International are seeking one contractor to supply, install and commission an automation software for 3 channel CIP system at the Felinfach facility in West Wales
Demolition of Silos and Associated Structures Sproughton - AWARD
Buyer : Suffolk Sourcing
This opportunity is available in the `Current Tenders` area of Interested parties are invited to express their interest in order to gain full access to the tender documentation
NHS Digital Alpha (demonstrating Digital Service Design cutting across organisat ....
Buyer : Nhs Digital
Procurement of Alpha phase to determine cost effective and efficient development of strategy and design for new corporate NHS Digital web site
Removal and Replacement of Air pollution and Control Residue Silos
Buyer : LondonWaste Ltd
This opportunity is for the removal of the existing two Air Pollution Control Residue (APCr) silos and the supply and installation of new replacement silos and auxiliary equipment to enable gravity discharge of contents to roads tankers at a controll ....
Removal and Replacement of Air pollution and Control Residue Silos.
Buyer : LondonWaste Ltd
This opportunity is for the removal of the existing 2 Air Pollution Control Residue (APCr) silos and the supply and installation of new replacement silos and auxiliary equipment to enable gravity discharge of contents to roads tankers at a controlled ....
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